Red Beach - Whangaparoa - Auckland 9302
09 5372116

Our Story

Year 1971

In 1971 Hugh Price, Pharmacist of Nelson, NZ worked with Fishermen and Hunters of the West Coast, South Island to formulate a more effective Repellent as 40% Deet was NOT stopping the Legendary South Island Sandflies biting, Neither did Natural Oils either. A special 6 ingredient combination was formulated which worked!

Year 1980

A special 6 ingredient combination was formulated which worked! The NZ Military switched to this combination formulation in 1980 and has not gone back to Deet alone (at any concentration). Hugh Price started supplying the New Zealand Military with Sunscreens, Camouflage paints, also the Mosquito net chemical packs.

Year 2002 until today

In 2002 Pharmacist Julian Price upgraded the formulation and made an excellent Burn Cream and Bite treatment plus SPF 30 Sunscreen. Another upgrade occurred in 2009 and again in 2017 ensures Pharmexa manufactures the worlds best Repellent against Sandflies, blackflies and Mosquitos. worldwide.

“New Zealand has one of the highest incidences of skin cancer and melanoma in the world and it’s important that New Zealanders aren’t discouraged from using sunscreen to protect against UV damage.”


Our products are regularly tested for quality and compliance at local independent certified laboratories. UV Guard products are subject to regular and on-going stability testing to ensure quality and consistency.
We also sell a range of non-prescription pharmacy products. Our products comply with AS/NZS 2604:2012 standards and offer a thorough and great skin protection suitable for New Zealand environment and climate.  Since 2004, we have been working with various customers, understanding their individual needs to help them find the right skin protection solutions in New Zealand.

We embrace a holistic approach to optimal skin protection which recognizes our customers wellbeing and skin health as a top priority !