summer news

In 2018 and 2021, the NZ had tested a batch of 10 random sunscreens selling within New Zealand. UV Guard SPF 50+ was among the tested products.
UV Guard sunscreen has achieved very high and outstanding performance results. The testing for UV Guard Sunscren SPF 50+ was done by accredited lab using methods according to the Australian and New Zealand standard AS/NZS 2604:2012.
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UV Guard sunscreen is a special highly effective certified combination formula of three absorbent sunscreens and one reflected in a long-acting, water resistant base. UV Guard is a low allergy, broad spectrum sunscreen made in New Zealand for NZ harsh sun and the reduced ozone layer. UV Guard Sunscreen has been tested to comply with Aust/NZ 2604:2012.

Bite Guard is a special combination formula designed for great protection under all conditions. Formulated by an NZ Pharmacist in 1971 and upgraded in 2014. It protects against sandflies, mosquitoes and all biting insects including leeches in a pleasantly fragranced, water resistant and non greasy formula that provides protection for long periods.

Lice Gone is a new formulation, no resistance. powerful, safe, rapid-acting treatment. Great prevention results. It is used to effectively get rid of head lice and eggs. LiceGone contains lice and nit eliminating ingredients. LiceGone breaks open the shells of head lice and nits, and also works to loosen the glue that lice use to stick their eggs to the hair shaft.

After Burn sunburn relief cream provides relief from minor burns such as sunburn and assists in the healing process of minor burns. After Burn contains aloe vera and soy to help soothe sunburned skin. It contains a number of active compounds that reduce pain and relief the pain due to sunburn.

After Bite is formulated to relieve minor rashes and bites/stings from all biting insects; mosquitoes, sandflies, wasps, bees, plant rashes & jellyfish stings. AfterBite is natural and safe and really works. Prevents infection, and moisturizes while relieving itching fast.

Lice Guard is a special combination formula designed for adult head lice infestation. LiceGuard contains a very effective formula that prevents from getting lice during an outbreak. It contains no pesticides and is made with kind ingredients that leave behind a pleasant scent.
OUR story

In 1971 Hugh Price, Pharmacist of Nelson, NZ worked with Fishermen and Hunters of the West Coast, South Island to formulate a more effective Repellent as 40% Deet was NOT stopping the Legendary South Island Sandflies biting, Neither did Natural Oils either. A special 6 ingredient combination was formulated which worked!

In 1981, a special six ingredients combination was formulated which worked. The NZ Military switched to this combination formulation in 1980 and has not gone back to Deet alone (at any concentration). Hugh Price started supplying the New Zealand Military with Sunscreens, Camouflage paints, also the mosquito net chemical packs.

In 2002 Pharmacist Julian Price upgraded the formulation and made an excellent Burn Cream and Bite treatment plus SPF 30 Sunscreen. Another upgrade occurred in 2009 and again in 2017 ensures Pharmexa manufactures the worlds best repellent against sandflies, blackflies and mosquitos worldwide.


Pharmexa is a kiwi owned company and has been around since 1971 and we still play an important part in our country’s economy. Pharmexa is committed to delivering the highest quality, most reliable skin protection products in the market and worldwide.
All our formulas are made to suit NZ harsh sun and environment.